Exclusive Titles

My Girlfriend is a Mermaid!? Refine

Suggested Retail Price : $288
Current Price : $288 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4580567440403
Suggested Retail Price : $548
Current Price : $548 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4580567440410

Publisher : COSEN Co., Ltd.
Developer : COSEN Co., Ltd.
Genre : AVG
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English/한글
Voice : 日本語
Rating : CERO:B

Release date: 2022-07-07

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Special Edition Include : 

- Original Soundtrack CD
- Theme Songbook CD
- Character Minifigures
- Artbook (Digital)
- Event application Ticket

Game Story : 

She has fins...? She has fins! Never underestimate the power of science...
Leaving the big city to return to his rural hometown, our protagonist reunites with his childhood friend Ion.
But she's now... a freshwater mermaid!?
It doesn't end there though, he soon meets another mermaid named Petakko who's memory has become, well, fish-like. Then he runs into Rin, a priestess with a split personality living her life in mystery.
Centered on legends and stories of mermaids, an incredibly unique and science filled summer vacation with Ion, Petakko, and Rin now begins...


+ Lazy but cute female protagonist and Japanese dubbing.
+ Medium-length game of about 160,000 words.
+ Sold thousands of copies both in Japan and Korea, gaining more than 5000 five-stars ratings.
+ Adjustments and optimizations have done for a better experience on PS4

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