Exclusive Titles

Instant Sports All-Stars

Suggested Retail Price : $228
Current Price : $228 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 3700664529875
Suggested Retail Price : $228
Current Price : $228 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 3700664530178

Publisher : Merge games
Developer : Just For Games
Genre : SPG
Player (Online): 2-4
Player (Offline): 1-4
Subtitles : English
Voice : English
Rating : 0+

Release date: 2022-07-04

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In INSTANT SPORTS All-Stars, you can play a variety of feel-good activities directly inspired by All-american favorite sports! In INSTANT SPORTS, everyone can play with ease by simply moving with the motion-gaming of the Nintendo Switch™. You can also play in the regular way on both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 through button mode! 

• Experience America through 8 sports and activities... Baseball, American soccer, field hockey, basketball, bowling, shooting and soccer... And don't forget the Burger Tower! 
• 3 environments - the warm atmosphere of a stadium, the energy of the city and the heat of western... - to triple your enjoyment! Travel without even getting off your couch... but still get some "exercise"! 
• 24 ways to extend the fun! Specific rules for each activity in each environment make every single sport session a real discovery! 
• Dream up to 4 players: INSTANT SPORTS All-Stars is extremely easy to play with simplified controls or even motion-gaming on Nintendo Switch™. From your little brother to your grandmother to your friends, everyone can play INSTANT SPORTS All-Stars and have INSTANT fun! 
• A ton of collectibles to customize your character: hats, tops, bottoms and more... No room for fashion faux pas!

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