Exclusive Titles

F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch (Nintendo Switch)

Suggested Retail Price : $248
Current Price : $248 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4580694041832
Suggested Retail Price : $248
Current Price : $248 HKD
Status: Available
Barcode: 4580694042457

Developer : TiGames
Genre : ACT
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English
Voice : 中文
Rating : 15+

Release date: 2022-07-12

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Pre-Order Bonus ー NS Game Disc Collective Box

Pre-order F.I.S.T Nintendo Switch™️ Version now to get an exclusively designed NS Game Disc Collective Box. The box can hold and safely protected up to 3 NS game discs for you to carry around your favorite game with you everywhere.


Developed by TiGames, F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch is a Metroidvania-style action game. The game tells a story of the Torch City inhibiting a group of animals but was then invaded and ruled by the Machine Legion six years ago. The Torch City was torn although the animals had tried to form a resistance force to fight against the Machine Legion. Under the repressive rule of the Machine Legion, the only place where the animals can seek peace is in the slum of the lower city, a place left by the Legion to die. Players will play the role of Rayton, the former soldier in the resistance war. After his friend Uncle Joe was suddenly captured by the Machine Legion, he is determined to put on his old mechanical fist again and embark on a journey to rescue his friends and save the desperate Torch City.

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