Exclusive Titles

Wonder Boy : The Dragon's Trap (PS5)

Suggested Retail Price : $238
Current Price : $238 HKD
Status: Available
Barcode: 4580694042693

Publisher : Game Source Entertainment
Developer : Lizardcube
Genre : ACT
Player (Online): 2-4
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English/한글
Voice : English
Rating : 6+

Release date: 2023-01-20

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Wonder Boy : The Dragon's Trap is a Metroidvania-style action game released first on the SEGA Master System in 1989, and we bet that experienced gamers will know that this is a hardcore action classic. In 2017, the independent developer Lizardcube recreated this classic Metroidvania action game in a new style.

Game features

The body-form-changing ability

This game combines elements of exploration, action, and adventure, and tells the story of the main protagonist who is cursed to be a lizard man and gets the ability to change his body form. Every time when the players defeat enemies in the game, they get to change into a new form, including hawks, mice, dragons, lions, and piranha. Each form has its respective abilities so that players can get to taste all kinds of fun!

Special levels and difficulty options

The gameplay is similar to the classic side-scrolling game with different levels while some levels need a specific ability of the characters to clear and finish. For instance, players need to be the piranha to swim in the water, the hawk to fly in the sky, and more. Players need to choose the suitable characters and abilities for different levels. In addition, the game provides three kinds of level difficulty to be chosen: easy, normal, and difficult for all players to enjoy the fun.

Modern? Retro? Experience it all at once!

Players can switch between modern graphics or 8-bit retro graphics and sound effects at any time during the game. In order to let players experience the classic, Lizardcube has added the function of switching between the old and new versions at any time. With just a click, the 1989' graphics and sound effects resurface and bring you back the old-time memories.

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