Exclusive Titles

Tetris Effect : Connected

Suggested Retail Price : $248
Current Price : $248 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4570101050076
Suggested Retail Price : $248
Current Price : $248 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4570101050090

Publisher : Enhance
Developer : Monstars Inc., Resonair, Stage Games
Genre : PZG
Player (Online): 2-4
Player (Offline): 1-4
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English/한글
Voice : 日本語
Rating : 0+

Release date: 2023-01-19

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Tetris® Effect: Connected is Tetris like you've never seen it, or heard it, or felt it before—an incredibly addictive, unique, and breathtakingly gorgeous reinvention of one of the most popular puzzle games of all time.

In all of the 30+ gorgeous single-player stages and 10+ modes, and in both cooperative or competitive online and local multiplayer modes, everything in Tetris® Effect: Connected—music, backgrounds, sounds, special effects—everything, down to the Tetriminos themselves, pulse, dance, shimmer, and explode in perfect sync with how you're playing and the award-winning soundtrack, taking Tetris’s already fiendishly-addictive replayability to new heights.


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