Exclusive Titles

Grim Guardians: Demon Purge

Suggested Retail Price : $323
Current Price : $323 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4582173562050
Suggested Retail Price : $628
Current Price : $628 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4582173562098

Publisher : Justdan
Developer : INTI CREATES
Genre : ACT
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1-2
Subtitles : 繁體中文/日本語/English
Voice : 日本語
Rating : 15+

Release date: 2023-03-23

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※Asian distributor cancel release PS5 Version.

Pre-Order Bonus:

- A4 File

Limited Edition Bonus:

- Full color configuration data set


- Acrylic key ring

Game Content:

When a demon's castle darkens the land, two sisters challenge its halls. Together they can break the curse.

Development has begun on a 2D action platformer starring two demon hunters on a mission to save their school!

The stars of Grim Guardians are the long-distance focused “Shinobu Kamizono” and the close-range brawler “Maya Kamizono.”

Players will need to consider the situation when choosing which sister to control as they make their way through the castle,

investigating the mystery of what happened to their school and its students.

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