Exclusive Titles

Akai Ito & Aoi Shiro HD Remaster

Suggested Retail Price : $728
Current Price : $728 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4944076005346

Publisher : Justdan
Developer : Success
Genre : AVG
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/簡體中文/日本語/English
Voice : 日本語
Rating : CERO:C

Release date: 2023-05-25

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Game Introduction:

Akai Ito
To arrange the inheritance because of the loss of her mother, Kei Hatō heads for her father's house in Hemizuka.

On the train on the way there, Kei has a mysterious dream of a huge tree and a woman who seems to be lost in sadness.

In the land of Hemizuka, Kei learns the secret concealed in her own blood through various meetings with an Oni Slayer,

a friend of her late mother, a young girl accompanied by a white fox, and even the mysterious girl from her dreams.

Aoi Shiro
The Seijou Girls’ Academy Kendo Club is traveling to Shoushinji for a Summer training camp. Near there is an island,

Urashima, where legend has it demon extermination took place long ago.

They arrive around the time of a festival that honors a god that is worshipped by the people of Urashima;

it celebrates the onitaiji and ensures another year of health for the people. Around the time of the festival,

the weather around Urashima worsens and storms will come.

A few days into their training, Osanai Shouko finds a girl washed up on the shores near the location of

the training camp. She cannot speak and doesn’t seem to know much about herself...

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