Exclusive Titles

Your Toy

Suggested Retail Price : $0
Current Price : $168 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4580694040026
Suggested Retail Price : $0
Current Price : $168 HKD
Status: Sold Out
Barcode: 4893418891850

Publisher : Game Source Entertainment
Developer : VIVA Games
Genre : ADV
Player (Online): N/A
Player (Offline): 1
Subtitles : 繁體中文/日本語
Voice : English
Rating : CERO:C

Release date: 2019-02-22

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You wake up from the darkness and find yourself trapped in a place that has been forgotten. The mysterious line index seduce you to the unknown abyss, and someone is hiding in reality and looking at you. Between my own memories and false illusions, long-forgotten victims want to play a game with you. But this time, who is the toy?

A cute and cute teddy bear, people love, but after entering the mysterious dimension, the body of the teddy bear splits into a jagged tearing bear, a toy that wants your life!

"Your Toys" is a thrilling puzzle game where players can experience random puzzles that never repeat, exciting escape levels and suspenseful clever narratives, directly facing the deepest dark world in the subconscious, realistic The style of the picture creates a grotesque and charming atmosphere. Players need to solve the mystery through careful observation and ingenious techniques. They can explore the truth of the story bit by bit. They can not only experience the fun of solving puzzles, but also collect pieces of clues during the game to gradually reorganize the game story. In addition, this game also enhances the game quality of the PS4 Pro, which can further present the terror atmosphere of the game.

©2019 Viva Games

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