“Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade” is a Japanese-style action RPG set in a fantastical Edo world teeming with supernatural creatures. Players will take on the roles of three unique protagonists: the Immortal Ninja "Shigure," the Oni Emissary "Sara," and the Demon Samurai "Taketora." Each character wields distinctive weapons—demon blade, dual swords, and a traditional bow—as they embark on their respective journeys to defeat evil spirits and restore peace. Players will uncover the truth behind the rampaging demons and gradually reveal the mysterious past through cycles of life and death.
This v1.0 demo version of “Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade” focuses on the early combat experience of the game. Players will fully experience the mechanics of the three protagonists, from forging various types of weapons to acquiring the item "Soul Orb," which allows for more dazzling variations in attacks, enabling a personalized and exhilarating combat style.
The demo also opens up the early beach map, allowing players to practice their skills while enjoying the ukiyo-e style scenery. As players explore further, they will face off against bosses like "General Kani" and "Kraken Umibozu." The rapid rotation attack of General Kani and the ferocious waves of the Kraken Umibozu will test player’s ability to employ various strategies to defeat the enemies.
During their journey, players may find themselves in a realm known as the "Demon Festival." In this realm, there are a few benevolent yokai gathered to assist the player, they are powerful allies that provide resources in each adventure. Don’t forget to fill your belly with a bowl of ramen that gives you limitless strength!
The development team has announced that a significant update for the demo version of “Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade” is planned during February 2025. At that time, the first half of the first chapters featuring Shigure, Sara, and Taketora will be implemented, alongside a wider variety of enemies and boss fights. Follow the paths of the three heroes, advance the story through combat, and aim to defeat the king of yokai, the "Kubi"!
### Experience It Now!
Don’t miss this chance to try out the game! Head over to Steam to download the demo version of “Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade“ and dive into the yokai adventure of the Edo period. Embark on your own combat journey! And don't forget to add it to your wishlist!
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Product Information
Title: Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade
Scheduled Release Date: 2025/4/24
Platform: PC / Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4 / PlayStation®5 / Xbox Series X|S
Number of Players: 1
Genre: Action Roguelite RPG Adventure Game
Developer: 7QUARK
Global Publisher: Game Source Entertainment
Price: TBC
Age Rating: TBC
Game Subtitle: Chinese (Simplified) / Chinese (Traditional) / Japanese / Korean / English / French / German / Italian / Portuguese (Portugal) / Spanish
Copyright: ©️2024 7QUARK. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. All rights reserved.
Reference Link
Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade Steam store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2169950