About Us

Bring Chinese localized games to players

Game Source Entertainment (GSE) has launched more than 100 Chinese localized games on PlayStation®4/ Nintendo Switch/ Xbox One and previous generation console platforms, representing the firm determination, belief and support for the Asian market.

Promote the simultaneous release of Chinese localized games

A few years ago, there were only a handful of Chinese cultural games in the market, so the expectations of Chinese players at that time were close to madness. In view of this, GSE have been trying to listen and collect the voices of the player and brought them to a group of developers and became one of the pioneers of Chinese culture games. After solving many difficult problems, most of the GSE's Chinese culture games have successfully achieved the goal of simultaneous global release. Bringing it into line with the world brings a gaming experience that is aligned with the world.

Producing exclusive Premium and limited editions in Asia

In addition to focusing on the localization of language, GSE has also brought the Japanese store special culture to the Asian market. GSE produced a series of limited edition products that cater to the tastes of Asian players, in order to enhance the local popularity of the game to achieve more significant publicity.

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