發生在20世紀的「沉没之都」(The Sinking City)是一款結合動作和調查遊戲,受到美國恐怖、科幻與奇幻小說大師H.P. 洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft)的作品的啟發,遊戲充滿洛式奇幻恐怖風格。玩家將在遊戲中飾演私人偵探的查爾斯(Charles Reed),來到馬薩諸塞州的奧克芒市,調查前所未有的超自然洪水的原因。在這種壓抑,陰暗的氛圍中,玩家必須發現這起控制城市和居民思想的任何可能原因的源頭。
《沉沒之都》已在PlayStation®4、Xbox One™以及PC平台上發售,首批Day 1版數量有限,售完即止。
Bigben is a major video game publisher, designer and distributor of mobile phone and gaming accessories as well as au-dio products. The group, recognised for its innovation and creativity, aspires to become a European leader in each of the sectors it is active in. www.bigben.fr
Frogwares is an independent video game development studio based in Dublin and Kiev. Since 2000, the studio has be-come renowned for its vast catalogue of games, ranging from RTS to action-adventure games. The studio is most known for creating the critically acclaimed Sherlock Holmes games franchise. Frogwares' games are available on all major game platforms, including the latest generation consoles. It is now concentrating on its upcoming new IP The Sinking City. For more information, please visit www.frogwares.com or www.facebook.com/frogwares.
Game Source Entertainment 是位於香港的亞洲區主機遊戲發行商及代理商,亦是iTunes以及Google Inc. Gift Card 合作伙伴。目前已於PlayStation®4/ Nintendo Switch™/ Xbox One 以及上世代主機平台上推出超過100款中文化遊戲,代表了對大中華市場堅定不變的決心、信念和支持。
GSE官方YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/c/GAMESOURCEENTERTAINMENT
遊戲名稱:沉沒之都(The Sinking City)
香港代理:Bigben Interactice
對應平台:PlayStation®4 / XboxOne / PC
建議售價:$398(PS4™及Xbox One Day 1版)
$298(PC Day 1版)
字幕:繁體中文 / 簡體中文 / 英文
©2019 Developed by Frogwares and published by Bigben Interactive.