
Award Winning Co-op Game《Moving Out》 Massive DLC Returns On 25th February

Game Source Entertainment (GSE) announces that the four player cooperative game 《Moving Out》developed by SMG and Devm Games  will launch a massive new DLC on 25th February, and the PV for the DLC is released today。

《Moving Out》All new massive DLC - (Movers in Paradise)  PV :

Pack Your Bags,Get Ready To Go To Heaven

The new massive DLC - (Movers in Paradise),will include the following content : 

Game Introduction

《Moving Out》is an action puzzle game with a “moving” theme, players will have to complete different moving tasks in different situations and work hard to become movers。Players can approach work as a independent contractor, or they can form a small team of 4 with up to 3 friends to work together to overcome different obstacles;don’t forget, cooperation is a happy thing!

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Moving Out
Release date: 2020-04-28
Platforms: PlayStation® 4 / Nintendo Switch™
Type: ETC
Language: 繁體中文/簡體中文/English
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