
《DREDGE》The Sinister Fishing Adventure Game To those who are starting to play DREDGE Starting of the game

[Hong Kong, 13 April 2023] Game Source Entertainment (GSE) is excited to announce upcoming fishing adventure game DREDGE developed by New Zealand indie game studioBlack Salt Games, will launch across on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5 and Nintendo Switch™ platforms on 27 April 2023, and publish by Game Source Entertainment. Today we will explain about starting of the game for those who play DREDGE for the first time or those who are not yet used to playing DREDGE.

《DREDGE》Chinese Official Trailer(15s):

Arriving at the town named Greater Marrow! Listen to the mayor!
Once you start the game, you will be in a town named Greater Marrow. After that, the mayor of the town will explain about the game which is about to begin. As the mayor says, let’s get out in the sea and go to the fish stampede and start fishing. Time will not pass by while the ship is stopping while it does while the ship is in motion. Let’s dock at the pier before it gets dark.

Do a fishing

   Once you come to the place where it can do fishing, start it. However, you need to be careful since some conditions don’t allow you to fish without the specified fishing rod. Fish will stick to the rod on its own, so what you only need to do is to pull it up. Time also passes by while pulling it up with the rod. Once you obtain the fish, store it by using the space wisely so that you can store more fish. 


Earn money by selling the fish you caught

    Sell the fish you obtained to the fishmonger. You can earn money by selling the fish. And use that money to buy the new tools, new ship equipment, and the various things you need for your adventure. However, the fish which has passed so long after it is obtained will become rotten and it can’t be sold.



 At night, dock at the nearest pier and rest until dawn.



   Once you bought or obtained new tools or equipment, do research and use it in a good way.



Meet various kinds of people

    In this adventure, you will be meeting various kinds of people. Learn some knowledge or hints, do a trading, buy items, or have it repair your ship.


Note: Images on this document are from the PC Download version. The way it’s shown may differ  among the other platforms.


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Product Information


Developer: Black Salt Games
Distributor:Game Source Entertainment
Genre:Sinister Fishing Adventure
Platform: Nintendo Switch™ / PlayStation®4 / PlayStation®5
Release Date: 27 April 2023
PlayStation®4:USD29.99 /238 HKD 
PlayStation®5:USD29.99 /238 HKD 
Nintendo Switch™:USD29.99 /238 HKD 
Rating: 輔12級
Subtitle:English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

DREDGE © Black Salt Games Limited, Published under license by Team17 Digital Limited. Team 17 is a registered trademark of Team 17 Digital limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Published by Game Source Entertainment in Japan and Asia.

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